You know what happens when you let old, dear characters you made up years ago stay around for years? You get too many ideas for them, too many to fit in one story, maybe (probably) too many to fit in all of the stories you could ever write. Too many sides to their personalities, too many possibilities, too many storylines, too many character developments, too many get the idea.
These four are some of my most dear, and most troublesome characters, with all of the issues mentioned above. From top to bottom: Victor, who has been a jet/starfighter pilot, villain, military-pal-in-reserve-or-on-leave, and general amusing chinstrap-wearin'-party-animal. Xavier, who has been a trucker, an adventurer, also a starfighter pilot, a bush pilot, and nominated Most Likely to be Main Character Someday. Reyna, the leading lady, close friend/sidekick/romantic interest for Xavier, sometimes a waitress, sometimes an adventurer, and sometimes a starfighter and mech-suit pilot. And Jasmine, Reyna's younger sister, who was the jack-of-all-trades support character, cute freckled redhead, and once was an evil overlord (overqueen?) commanding a space dreadnought. And now I'm considering merging her with another character (a vaguely defined commando or cop) to make a totally new Jasmine.
Long story short, I have my beloved, dorky-teenage-years characters still hanging around, and if they want a story I've got to decide what to keep and what to prune. On the bright side, whatever gets taken off can potentially be used for other characters...and the cycle will begin once again...