Monday, November 30, 2015

Dragun Knight

Credit for this idea goes to my friend Zach.  He had an idea for knights who were awarded or armed with pistols or rifles which had been spelled with the powers of dragons.  The resulting creation he termed "Draguns".

I like the idea, as you can see by my sketch of it.  It could fit a variety of scenarios.  The knights use the power of hostile dragons against them; the dragons have lent the knights a portion of their power; the mages stole the dragons' power and gave it to the knights, and the dragons are greatly aggravated because of it and declare war, and on and on.  Silly, but fun enough that it's worth the silliness.

I mean, it's a knight with a magic pistol.  What's not to like?

Monday, November 23, 2015

Infantry Mech, Finished

So here is the finished Type 21 infantry mech drawing.  I've got more of an idea what I want for this mech now, and the characters associated with it (pragmatic, blunt, mercenary, survivalist, suspicious).  It's not the final design, but a step in that direction.

I started it with a ballpoint sketch, and colored it with Prismacolor colored pencils.  The lightest tones, from the primary light, feet, and reflected light were Cream, Beige, and Cloud Blue.  The midtones were mostly in Warm Grey 30% and Cool Grey 50%, with Cool Grey 70% helping out in the areas to be shadowed.  The dirt splotches and dusty tone around the legs was with Light and Dark Umber.  The secondary light was done with Blue Slate.  For the darkest parts, I used additional Cool Grey 70% and Black, and used Ultramarine to hint at the secondary light on the dark parts.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Infantry Mech WIP

This is the "Type 21" (working designation) mech from Mercenary Mechs.  While not literally an infantry mech, it is much less flashy, cheaper, and easier to produce than the other big (i.e. main character) mechs.  It is meant to be fielded in numbers, and to take losses in place of more valuable forces.  In this way, it is an "infantry mech" of a sort.

Medium is colored pencil over a pen outline on Strathmore smooth Bristol.  It's more of an experiment than anything else, I wanted to see how the two went together.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sketches 11/9/15: Sniper-Mech

Not much to tell this week, testing out a new sketchbook that can fit the scanner.  This is the sniper-mech from the Mercenary Mechs story currently under way.  I hope to have something to present in a month or so, story-wise, stay tuned.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Super Acrylic Nebula, Part 1

Yep, I'm taking one more shot at the Orion Nebula and its "tracer bullet" nebula bits.  This time it's acrylic on canvas, and much larger than the previous two paintings.

It's going to take a while to finish, with work and other projects taking up my time, but it's good to paint in large scale again.