Monday, January 4, 2016

Mercenary Mechs: Sunspot Crusher

Continuing the theme of gouache-giant-robot-paintings, I present Sunspot Crusher, the sniper-mech.  It's mostly elbows and knees and looks a bit goofy, but when you're packing the most power anti-armor laser this side of the Rockies (mounted in the right-shoulder wedge), you can get away with looking goofy.  The laser is, however, temperamental and expensive to maintain, meaning Crusher has to work all the harder to 1) land contracts and 2) avoid getting hit.

I was a little looser with this painting than the one for Challenger Jax, I tried some blending in the initial stages.  It wasn't 100% what I expected, but I liked part of the final result, and learned something.  Worth it.

Like Challenger Jax, Sunspot Crusher used to be unreasonably huge.  Crusher now would be a little taller than Jax, because it was built lighter, and could be built taller, all to give the pilot a better field of vision, and the laser a better field of fire.

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